
The film was primarily shot in the republic of Zimbabwe which is the neighboring country of South Africa because of the violence and turmoil that was occurring in Johannesburg.

The following languages are used in the movie: English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa and that is mainly because there are 11 official South African languages excluding English which is the main language of communication. The language a person speaks depends on which part of the country they are are from or which tribe their family is from.



(exteriors: home of Donald Woods)

(Soweto demonstrations)

(party on new year's eve)

(address at football, hitchiking)

(Biko Imprisonment filmed in Harare police cells)

(South Africa)

(Telle Bridge Border Post)

(Donald Woods sees South African conditions)

(beach scenes)

(gymnasium used for the King Williams Town Mortuary) (Arrival of Donald Woods at Maseru)

(exteriors: home of Donald Woods)

(studio) (interiors: home of Donald Woods)

(Stutterheim, South Africa)

(South Africa)

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